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研究業績 (2017年)
欧文原著 (2017)
- Matsuzaki T, Tungalagsuvd A, Iwasa T, Munkhzaya M, Yanagihara R, Tokui T, Yano K, Mayila Y, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Matsui S, Irahara M. Kisspeptin mRNA expression is increased in the posterior hypothalamus in the rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocr J. 2017 Jan;64(1):7-14.
- Tatsumi T, Jwa SC, Kuwahara A, Irahara M, Kubota T, Saito H. No increased risk of major congenital anomalies or adverse pregnancy or neonatal outcomes following letrozole use in assisted reproductive technology. Hum Reprod. 2017 Jan;32(1):125-132.
- Kaji T, Hayabuchi Y, Maeda K, Nakayama S, Irahara M. Prenatal assessment of coronary artery anatomy using color Doppler in cases of D-transposition of the great arteries: Case reports. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2017 Feb;43(2):397-402.
- Tanaka Y, Kuwahara A, Ushigoe K, Yano Y, Taniguchi Y, Yamamoto Y, Matsuzaki T, Yasui T, Irahara M. Expression of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant suppresses tumor necrosis factor alpha expression and thereby prevents the follicles from undergoing atresia and apoptosis. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Mar;16(2):157-165.
- Irahara M, Kuwahara A, Iwasa T, Ishikawa T, Ishihara O, Kugu K, Sawa R, Banno K, Saito H. Assisted reproductive technology in Japan: a summary report of 1992-2014 by the Ethics Committee, Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Apr;16(2):126-132.
- Umemoto S, Ogihara T, Matsuzaki M, Rakugi H, Ohashi Y, Saruta T, Combination Therapy of Hypertension to Prevent Cardiovascular Events (COPE) Trial Group. Effects of calcium channel blocker benidipine-based combination therapy on target blood pressure control and cardiovascular outcome: a sub-analysis of the COPE trial. Hypertens Res. 2017 Apr;40(4):376-384.
- Matsuzaki T, Tungalagsuvd A, Iwasa T, Munkhzaya M, Yano K, Mayila Y, Tokui T, Yanagihara R, Matsui S, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Irahara M. Clinical outcome of various metformin treatments for women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Apr;16(2):179-187.
- Matsuzaki T, Munkhzaya M, Iwasa T, Tungalagsuvd A, Yano K, Mayila Y, Yanagihara R, Tokui T, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Matsui S, Irahara M. Relationship between serum anti-Mullerian hormone and clinical parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocr J. 2017 May;64(5):531-541.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Yano K, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Mayila Y, Kuwahara A, Irahara M. The effects of prenatal undernutrition and a high-fat postnatal diet on central and peripheral orexigenic and anorexigenic factors in female rats. Endocr J. 2017 Jun;64(6):597-604.
- Tatsumi T, Jwa SC, Kuwahara A, Irahara M, Kubota T, Saito H. Pregnancy and neonatal outcomes following letrozole use in frozen-thawed single embryo transfer cycles. Hum Reprod. 2017 Jun;32(6):1244-1248.
- Kawakita T, Masato N, Takiguchi E, Abe A, Irahara M. Cytotoxic effects of 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 alone and in combination with dasatinib against uterine sarcoma in vitro. Exp Ther Med. 2017 Jun;13(6):2939-2945.
- Matsui S, Yasui T, Kasai K, Keyama K, Yoshida K, Kato T, Uemura H, Kuwahara A, Matsuzaki T, Irahara M. Sex hormone-binding globulin and antithrombin III activity in women with oral ultra-low-dose estradiol. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2017 Jul;37(5):627-632.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Yano K, Yanagihara R, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Mayila Y, Kuwahara A, Irahara M. The effects of chronic testosterone administration on body weight, food intake, and adipose tissue are changed by estrogen treatment in female rats. Horm Behav. 2017 Jul;93:53-61.
- Sugano M, Yoshida H, Kurobe H, Arase H, Kinoshita H, Kitaichi T, Sugasawa N, Nakayama S, Maeda K, Irahara M, Kitagawa T. Effects of transplanted human cord blood-mononuclear cells on pulmonary hypertension in immunodeficient mice and their distribution. J Med Invest. 2017;64(1.2):43-49.
- Irahara M, Kimura T, Sugino H. Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine RMB Best Paper Award. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Jul 11;16(3):239.
- Matsuzaki T, Douchi T, Oki T, Ishihara O, Okagaki R, Kajihara T, Tamura M, Kotsuji F, Tajima K, Kawano M, Ishizuka B, Irahara M. Weight reduction using a formula diet recovers menstruation in obese patients with an ovulatory disorder. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Jul;16(3):268-275.
- Yamasaki M, Kuwahara A, Iwasa T, Yamamoto Y, Taniguchi Y, Yano Y, Matsui S, Matsuzaki T, Irahara M. Development-related changes in the expression of the ovarian Kiss1 and Kiss1r genes and their sensitivity to human chorionic gonadotropin in prepubertal female rats. J Reprod Dev. 2017 Aug;63(4):409-414.
- Matsuzaki T, Munkhzaya M, Tungalagsuvd A, Mayila Y, Iwasa T, Yano K, Yanagihara R, Tokui T, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Matsui S, Irahara M. Prenatal undernutrition disrupted the sexual maturation, but not the sexual behavior, in male rats. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Sep;16(4):325-329.
- Asada Y, Morimoto Y, Nakaoka Y, Yamasaki T, Suehiro Y, Sugimoto H, Yoshida M, Irahara M. Age-specific serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentration in Japanese women and its usefulness as a predictor of the ovarian response. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Sep;16(4):364-373.
- Taniguchi Y, Kuwahara A, Tachibana A, Yano Y, Yano K, Yamamoto Y, Yamasaki M, Iwasa T, Hinokio K, Matsuzaki T, Irahara M. Intra-follicular kisspeptin levels are related to oocyte maturation and gonadal hormones in patients who are undergoing assisted reproductive technology. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Sep;16(4):380-385.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Yiliyasi M, Yano K, Irahara M. The effects of chronic testosterone administration on body weight, food intake, and fat weight were age-dependent. Steroids. 2017 Nov;127:18-23.
- Takiguchi E, Nishimura M, Mineda A, Kawakita T, Abe A, Irahara M. Growth inhibitory effect of the Src inhibitor dasatinib in combination with anticancer agents on uterine cervical adenocarcinoma cells. Exp Ther Med. 2017 Nov;14(5):4293-4299.
- Sait o H, Jwa SC, Kuwahara A, Saito K, Ishikawa T, Ishihara O, Kugu K, Sawa R, Banno K, Irahara M. Assisted reproductive technology in Japan: a summary report for 2015 by The Ethics Committee of The Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Reprod Med Biol. 2017 Nov;17(1):20-28.
- Shirakawa A, Kaji T, Hayabuchi Y, Nakayama S, Maeda K, Irahara M. Prenatal three-dimensional color Doppler imaging showing crossover of the inflow streams of two ventricles in a case of criss-cross heart. J Echocardiogr. 2017 Dec;15(4):191-193.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Mayila Y, Yano K, Irahara M. Developmental changes in hypothalamic SF-1, POMC, and ERホア mRNA expression and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats. Endocr J. 2017 Dec;64(12):1157-1163.
欧文総説 (2017)
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Yano K, Irahara M. Gonadotropin-Inhibitory Hormone Plays Roles in Stress-Induced Reproductive Dysfunction. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2017 Apr;8:62.
和文著書 (2017)
- 加藤剛志, 苛原 稔. 乳房・乳腺, 乳腺症・乳管内乳頭種. 1336専門家による私の治療 2017-18年度版. 猿田享男, 北村惣一郎 監修,日本医事新報社, 東京, 2017:1480−1481.
和文原著 (2017)
- 大友真姫, 新家崇義, 宇山直人, 音見暢一, 白河 綾, 坂東良美, 苛原 稔, 原田雅史. 癌性腹膜炎との鑑別に苦慮した結核性腹膜炎の1例. 臨床放射線 2017 62(3):435-440.
- 鎌田周平, 古本博孝, 白川 綾, 山本哲史, 福井理仁, 別宮史朗, 苛原 稔. CINに対するサージトロンを用いた病巣切除を併用したレーザー蒸散の治療成績. 現代産婦人科 2017 65(2):193-196.
- 乾 宏彰, 加地 剛, 七條あつ子, 米谷直人, 前田和寿, 苛原 稔. 肺静脈の観察から胎児診断に至った先天性両側性横隔膜弛緩症の一例. 現代産婦人科 2017 65(2):207-210.
- 今泉絢貴, 松井寿美佳, 七條あつ子, 米谷直人, 岩佐 武, 加地 剛, 苛原 稔. 当科における前置胎盤・低置胎盤に対する自己血貯血の検討. 現代産婦人科 2017 66(1):149-152.
- 正木理恵, 阿部彰子, 門田友里, 岩佐 武, 加藤剛志, 加地 剛, 桑原 章, 苛原 稔. 帝王切開瘢痕症候群の2例. 現代産婦人科 2017 66(1):133-137.
- 林 亜紀, 岩佐 武, 河北貴子, 山本由理, 阿部彰子, 西村正人, 桑原 章, 松崎利也, 苛原 稔. 当科における子宮内膜癌・子宮内膜異型増殖症における妊孕性温存治療の成績. 現代産婦人科 2017 66(1):27-32.
和文総説 (2017)
- 矢野清人, 松崎利也, 苛原 稔. 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群とテストステロン. 最新女性医療 2017 4(1):17-22.
- 松井寿美佳, 安井敏之, 苛原 稔. 血管・脂質代謝とテストステロン. 最新女性医療 2017 4(1):12-16.
- 矢野清人, 松崎利也, 岩佐 武, 苛原 稔. 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の病態と治療. 内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 2017 44(1):20-26.
- 苛原 稔. ホルモン製剤の最近の話題. 徳島産婦人科医報 2017 50:9-10.
- 矢野清人, 松崎利也, 岩佐 武, 柳原里江, 苛原 稔. 一般不妊治療における多胎妊娠の予防と卵巣過剰刺激症候群の予防・治療. 産婦人科の実際 2017 66(9):1095-1101.
- 鎌田正晴, 濱田信一, 苛原 稔. 産婦人科における乳がん検診法のあり方 特にマンモグラフィと超音波の総合判定について. 日本女性医学学会雑誌 2017 24(2):254-257.
- 松井寿美佳, 安井敏之, 苛原 稔. 骨粗鬆症治療case study-活性型ビタミンD3製剤. 最新女性医療 2017 4(3):139-144.
- 岩佐 武, 松崎利也, 矢野清人, 苛原 稔. 産婦人科画像診断トレーニング-この所見をどう読むか?-生殖・婦人科疾患症例 不妊治療. 臨床婦人科産科 2017 71(4):199-202.
- 岩佐 武:雌ラットにおいてテストステロンが体重・摂食量に及ぼす影響は性腺ホルモン環境により異なる, 若手の最新研究コーナー, 産科と婦人科, vol.84, 484-487頁, 2017.
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