TOP > 医師・同門会の方へ > 研究業績 > 2015年
研究業績 (2015年)
欧文原著 (2015)
- Maeda K, Imoto I, Kaji T, Yoshida Y, Nakayama S, Irahara M. Case of non-mosaic trisomy 20 in amniotic fluid cultures without anomalies in the fetus: cytogenetic discrepancy between amniocytes and fetal blood. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2015 Jan;41(1):141-144.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Kawami T, Yamasaki M, Murakami M, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. Developmental changes in hypothalamic toll-like-receptor 4 mRNA expression and the effects of lipopolysaccharide on such changes in female rats. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Feb;40:12-14.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Munkhzaya M, Tungalagsuvd A, Yamasaki M, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. The effects of prenatal undernutrition and postnatal high-fat diet on hypothalamic Kiss1 mRNA and serum leptin levels. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Mar;42:76-79.
- Matsuzaki T, Iwasa T, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Kawami T, Yamasaki M, Murakami M, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. The responses of hypothalamic NPY and OBRb mRNA expression to food deprivation develop during the neonatal-prepubertal period and exhibit gender differences in rats. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Apr;41:63-67.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. LH and testosterone production are more sensitive to the suppressive effects of food deprivation in prenatally undernourished male rats. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Jun;43:66-69.
- Matsuzaki T, Iwasa T, Munkhzaya M, Tungalagsuvd A, Kawami T, Murakami M, Yamasaki M, Yamamoto Y, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. Developmental changes in hypothalamic oxytocin and oxytocin receptor mRNA expression and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Apr;41:105-109.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Munkhzaya M, Tungalagsuvd A, Yamasaki M, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. The effects of prenatal undernutrition and postnatal high-fat diet on hypothalamic Kiss1 mRNA and serum leptin levels. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 May;42:76-79.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. Prenatal undernutrition increases the febrile response to lipopolysaccharides in adulthood in male rats. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Aug;44:1-5.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. The advancement of the onset of vaginal opening in female rats subjected to chronic testosterone treatment occurs independently of hypothalamic Kiss1 and RFRP expression. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2015;36(8):767-770.
- Saijo Y, Furumoto H, Yoshida K, Nishimura M, Irahara M. Clinical Significance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression and Microvessel Density in Invasive Cervical Cancer. J Med Invest. 2015;62(3-4):154-160.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. Effects of LPS injection on the hypothalamic and testicular mRNA expression levels of reproductive factors in male rats. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2015;36(3):193-195.
- Maeda K, Kaji T, Kasai K, Nakayama S, Morine M, Irahara M. A case of pregnancy complicated with congenital dysprothrombinemia (prothrombin Tokushima). Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2015 Oct;26(7):827-829.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Munkhzaya M, Tungalagsuvd A, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. Developmental changes in the hypothalamic mRNA levels of prepro-orexin and orexin receptors and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Nov;46:51-54.
- Munkhzaya M, Matsuzaki T, Iwasa T, Tungalagsuvd A, Kawami T, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Irahara M. The suppressive effect of immune stress on LH secretion is absent in the early neonatal period in rats. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Nov;46:38-43.
- Yamamoto Y, Kuwahara A, Taniguchi Y, Yamasaki M, Tanaka Y, Mukai Y, Yamashita M, Matsuzaki T, Yasui T, Irahara M. Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibits ovulation and induces granulosa cell death in rat ovaries. Reprod Med Biol. 2015;14(3):107-115.
- Iwasa T, Matsuzaki T, Matsui S, Tungalagsuvd A, Munkhzaya M, Kawami T, Yamasaki M, Murakami M, Kato T, Kuwahara A, Yasui T, Irahara M. The effects of ovariectomy and LPS-induced endotoxemia on resistin levels in female rats. Cytokine. 2015 Dec;76(2):558-560.
- Tani A, Yamamoto S, Maegawa M, Kunimi K, Matsui S, Keyama K, Kato T, Uemura H, Kuwahara A, Matsuzaki T, Yasui T, Kamada M, Soeki T, Sata M, Irahara M. Arterial stiffness is increased in young women with endometriosis. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2015;35(7):711-715.
- Abe A, Matoda M, Okamoto S, Kondo E, Kato K, Omatsu K, Umayahara K, Utsugi K, Takesima N. Resection of the vaginal vault for vaginal recurrence of cervical cancer after hysterectomy and brachytherapy/ World Journal of Surgery Oncology 2015; 13:137
欧文総説 (2015)
和文著書 (2015)
- 苛原 稔. 内分泌・代謝系-女性ホルモン剤, その他のホルモン剤−排卵誘発治療について. 治療薬ハンドブック2015, 高久史麿監修, 掘 正二 他編, 株式会社 じほう, 東京, 2015:693-725.
和文原著 (2015)
- 安原由子, 飯藤大和, 桑村由美, 梅田弥生, 浦西由美, 谷岡哲也, 近藤和也, 岸田佐智, 苛原 稔. 徳島県内の看護職員高度人材育成研修推進事業における特定行為に係る実態調査. 四国医学雑誌 2015 71(3-4):59-70.
- 中奥大地, 前田和寿, 加藤剛志, 中山聡一朗, 加地 剛, 苛原 稔. 帝王切開後の巨大後腹膜血腫に対しIVR(Interventional radiology)治療に難渋した一例. 日本周産期・新生児学会雑誌 2015 51(3):1069-1073.
- 松崎利也, 岩佐 武, 河見貴子, Mayila Yiliyasi, 高松典通, 土井俊夫, 苛原 稔:電気化学発光免疫測定法(ECLIA法)を用いたエストラジオール測定キット「エクルーシス試薬E2 IV」の基本性能評価および基準範囲の検討, 医学と薬学, Vol.72, No5, 931~941頁, 2015年.
和文総説 (2015)
- 松井寿美佳, 加藤剛志, 桑原 章, 苛原 稔. 婦人科領域の感染症の臨床像と治療戦略. 画像診断 2015 36(1):8-12.
- 中山聡一朗, 加地 剛, 苛原 稔. 妊娠・授乳とpeak bone mass. 最新女性医療 2015 2(3):137-141.
- 矢野清人, 松崎利也, 岩佐 武, 柳原里江, 苛原 稔. 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の診断と対応. ホルモンと臨床 2015 63(6):475-478.
- 小西郁生, 苛原 稔. 「着床前診断」に関する見解. 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 2015 67(4):1271-1284.
- 矢野清人, 松崎利也, 岩佐 武, 柳原里江, 苛原 稔:多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の診断と対応, ホルモンと臨床, vol.63, 475-478頁, 2015.
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